Macam-Macam Adaa..

Wednesday usual..

salam and hello to all..

boring kan blog ni..hiii...hehehe..i'm at cc..nak bagi tokey cc ni kaye sbb dok labur duit kat cc ni..mcm ni la aku slagi laptop yg sakit tu x ber'repair'..[hehe..suke2 aje tmbah ber- kat perkataan omputih..]..aku still lagi berbaju kurung more or less 3 weeks i'll be back to my old title--'jobless'..frankly,i've started to like this job,this teaching stuff la..tapi ape leh buat,khidmat aku diperlukan takat tu je..hee..

all my boys+girls dah start dgr kate aku..homework pun hantar on time..paling touch..dapat adiah lagi dr budak2 tu..when i ask why, they said 'ala,saje2 je bagi cikgu hadiah'..hehe..and this morning,bile aku masuk je klas aku [3AL- GHAZALI@3C] sume kerumun aku..tanye peberet food,drinkds and kuih2..aku puas la pikir..apesal la budak2 ni..last2 ade mentol terang atas pale ni..--ini kan bulan mei..bulan smbutan hari guru..of course..nape xterpikir!!---so aku dapat la agak,ade jamuan klas for me..for their temporary teacher yg akan blah time dorang tgh exam tengah tahun!!!!..xdapat say goodbye pun kot time tu..xpe lah..xdelah adegan sedih2 dari budak2 pompuan kuat bodek klas aku tu..haha...
but,i'm thinking of to give them something so that i will be remembered..ape ye??[arap2 masuk la gaji..aminnnnnnn]..

actually just recover from flu,cough and 3 days ill..aiyoh..cannot tahan one kalau aku demam..takut la lagi2 tgh musim2 denggi dgn H1N1 ni.. 

hmm..3minggu yang latest ni was my difficult week..sangat2..something got to do with him..i do a lot of thinking yg last2 akan buat aku tertido!! conclusion about us--the difficulties will be there for the next year too!!!so i must pray a lot, a lot and a lot for us [and for my familia too]..semoge aku,die dan kami memahami satu same lain dan byk2 lah bersabar wahai aku..hehe..this saturday will meet him mane kami??

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